Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Elf that Came and then Left a Few Days Later

For the last several years we have had an elf on the shelf-her name was Ellie and she looked like this...

This year Bryce really wanted a boy elf. I let him pick out the box with the one he wanted. He was super excited and showed everyone who came over. He named his elf Dwight and was counting down the days until he could get his magic. Here is what Dwight looked like.
(as you can see there is quite a bit of difference in the looks of the two elfs)

Well Dwight's magic finally came and along with it some balloons and a note.

He stayed for a few days pulling some funny pranks like wrapping the toilet in Christmas lights and rolling down the stairs in a roll of toilet paper. But Bryce was terrified of Dwight. He wouldn't go anywhere in the house by himself, he couldn't sleep, he was just plain scared. I asked him if he wanted me to have Dwight go back to the north pole and he said YES.

So I asked Santa to find Dwight a new job for Christmas, even though I was a little bit sad about it. HA! Bryce was greatly relieved and was able to walk around the house and not be scared anymore.

I don't know what it was about this elf, if he just looked more real, if it was Bryce's vivid imagination, or some of the scary things he has heard older siblings talk about like Ted and Chuckie, I'm thinking a combination of all, but whatever it was Bryce did not like Dwight one bit-poor kid. 

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