Friday, December 14, 2018

Family Pictures

We had our Family Pictures taken-twice-HA! This is the 2nd time something like this has happened to us, another time with a different photographer. 
The odds were against us from the beginning at the first shoot it was windy, there was a world series game on (meaning Landon was anxious and checking his phone every 5 minutes), and there was an even going on at the original location we had planned to shoot at so we couldn't shoot there. We came up with a plan B location, however the photographer was unfamiliar with the location and when she took the photos her settings weren't right on her camera, thus the quality of the pictures didn't turn out on many of the photos, so we scheduled 2nd shoot. The 2nd time around was much better we were able to shoot at our original planned location with no wind and no world series game to interfere. 

Here are the shots that worked from the first shoot. My kids!!! Oh yeah and Bryce was being such a pill he wouldn't smile for anything I honestly don't know how we got that one picture of him smiling-HA! It was actually comical how hard he was trying to frown, and when the photographer tried to tickle him he took at swing at her-Oh my word that kid!

Round 2

Bonus Shoot from Round 2 and to Celebrate the Redsox World Series Victory

I love how they all turned out. Now to decide what to print and what to use on Christmas Cards. Seriously, even though we had to shoot these twice our photographer is the absolute best. She has been taking our pictures for years. I have tried a few different people at times, but have never been as happy with any of their work as I am with hers. I'm super sad that she is going to be moving out of state in the near future.

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