Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Day Has Finally Arrived

For the past five and a half years Landon has been serving as the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric of our ward. It all began when he was called to serve as the 2nd counselor after the previous second counselor was called to a stake position. After about 2 years the Bishop (Bishop Wells) who had called him, term or time was over. A new Bishop (Bishop Jones) was put in and Landon was once again called as the 2nd counselor. A few years passed by and they decided to split our ward. We were part of the new ward and once again a new bishop (Bishop Hirschi) was called and Landon once again was called as 2nd counselor. This time with the understanding that he would not be asked to serve the normal 4-5 years, but just for about a year or so to get the new ward running. Well another year and a half went by and finally we got the call to meet with the stake president and him letting us know that Landon would be released the following Sunday.
Landon has done a great job in this calling. He has served without complaint. He has gone to early morning meetings, and late night ones. He has gone above and beyond as he juggled his calling, his job, and being a husband and father. I can honestly say that he and our family have truly been blessed because of his service. However, it was time for him to be done. His family was needing him.
The Sunday he was released he was also called to serve as the Young Men's President. You know what they say no rest for the weary. LOL Onto the next adventure. At least with this one we will get to have him around more, and be able to sit with him during sacrament meetings. I have been a little lonely the last five and a half years.

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