Monday, October 19, 2009

Our 4 Day Weekend

The kids got out of school early on Thursday for the start of their 4 day weekend. As many of you may know this corresponds with the Deer Hunt.
Landon has been getting ready for the deer hunt for weeks now, him and his brothers were all so excited to hit the trail. Here he is in this picture getting ready to head out.

I am home now and who nows when we will see him again. Last I heard him and Trevor were headed back up on the mountain to help Layne who had shot "the biggest buck he had ever seen" and had no way to get it back down the mountain by himself. We'll see if that story pans out when they actually get back home with it.

My sister Mandy and her husband Cody were gone hunting as well, so I helped my mom take care of her two kids. The kids had lots of fun playing with there cousins. Sam and Tyler were up there too Sam came down to play quite a bit, but Tyler was more into the hunting. When we had them all we had quite a housefull. Grandma built the kids a house out of cardboard and duct tape, they had a ball in it. We also set up the bounce house, so Mandy's yard was looking just a little bit like a red-neck operation. One day we went to the park. Saydee lost a tooth while we were there and we were lucky enough to find it in the rocks under the swings. On Saturday we left Tanner in charge for a few minutes and went to the Annual Crafters Bazaar. I bought a couple of cute decorations for my house.
We spent a lot of time in Flowell as well. Tanner and Grandma had a Monopoly game going I think it took them three days to wrap it up, Tanner beat Grandma and showed no mercy about it. Chloe found a dead kitten and proceeded to bring it into the house and on Sunday I took 4 kids to church by myself (my two and Mandy's two) so we could hear Grandpa and Grandma's talk in Sacrament meeting. I thought it would be a nightmare but the kids were actually very well behaved.
It was a fun weekend but I am glad to be home.

1 comment:

Kaysie said...

sounds like fun! you are a good woman!