Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Carnival

On Saturday it was the GWA annual Fall Carnival. The kids had been looking forward to it all week. On Thursday we made a couple of cakes for them to enter in the cake walk; they also gave out prizes for each grade. Tanner's take took 2nd place, so he was awared some extra carnival tickets-he was pretty stoked about that. Great Grandma helped us make them. Tiff was also there and helped us make some yummy cookies for the bake sale.
The carnival was lots of fun. They had everything from jump houses, and petting zoos to face painting and lots of carnival games. I was in charge of the Wheel of Fortune Booth.
They also had live entertainment. Tanner's class preformed a dance from the Samoan Islands it was fun to watch. The teachers all preformed to THRILLER with the principal dressing up like MJ himself-it's kind of sad that Chloe knew who she was without me even having to say anything.
As you can see most of the picts are of Chloe, because Tanner was busy with his friends most of the time. They both had lots of fun though. Oh and least I forget we came home with a goldfish-any bets on how long he lives?
By the way my favorite part of the Carnival the Carmeled Apples my Grandma snagged at the bake sale for $1 a piece.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I wish I had one of those apples. Now when Sayd was little Gramzo Barb gave her a fish and it lived for a long time until I bug bombed the house. POOR FISH.