So Tanner and Dawson walked out the front door last night and discovered a little tiny bat on the front porch. He must have been hurt somehow. It was funny though for all the tough talk Tanner and Dawson do they weren't very tough about that bat. It was funny. Chloe and Koda didn't really want anything to do with it either. I could barely get them all close enough to take this picture.

Tanner and Dawson bore their testimonies in church today it was very cute, after Tanner was done he stayed to help Dawson with his. I was a little worried it would turn into a giggling match but it didn't. I was very proud of them. Landon said maybe they would become like Taryn and Brenda when they were little and bare them every fast Sunday at least that's the way he claims to remember it. To bad you can't take pictures in church.
That's not the way I remember it - I remember begging my mom or dad to take me up, and them hushing me and saying, "next time" because they didn't want to have to get up and bear their's! I didn't understand what their problem was at the time, but I do now!
I think Landon has it a little wrong. I think I bore my testimony like once in my whole childhood. He must have been thinking about someone else.
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