Saturday, August 23, 2008

Movie Time: Star Wars Clone Wars

Yesterday I took Tanner and two of his friends along with Chloe to the movie. We went to the 2:30 show right after school. So it was just me and 4 kids, I never thought I'd see the day. We of course went to see Star Wars Clone Wars. The kids were a little wound up when we first go there making me kind of question if I had made the right decision to bring them especially when I was trying to order them all snacks and drinks, and then realizing that I had just spent $40 to get us into the movie and buy treats, and I didn't even get anything for myself. Luckily the kids all shared with me. Once we got into the theatre they calmed down and were actually very well behaved throughout the movie. The were actually so into that when Tanner had to run to the bathroom he asked me if I could tell him what happened when he got back. I thought the movie was alright, there were some cool parts to it. However I think I prefer the original star wars. To bad they don't make more of those. It was good though, but you would probably have to like star wars to enjoy it. Tanner already asked me if I could buy him that movie for Christmas.
Sorry no pictures to go with this one.

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