Thursday, September 22, 2016

You're Acting Like Jesus

Yesterday my older two kids were fighting. The were calling each other names and bickering. Then they started getting Bryce involved. Telling him Bryce tell Chloe she's this or tell Tanner he's this or whatever. Chloe told Bryce he was acting like a brat. Tanner told Chloe she was acting like a baby. It went back and forth for several minutes. Then Bryce in frustration said to one of them after they had said something rude to him "well you're acting like Jesus". Not only did it make everyone laugh, but it ended the fight. It made me think about what he had said "your acting like Jesus" they definitely weren't, but he has heard that said and he knows that is who you should be acting like. I hope they got the message. I hope we can all be accused of acting like Jesus a little bit more.
And A Little Child Shall Lead Them.

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