Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Catching Lizards

We live in a nice warm place, which means the lizards love it here as much as we do. My Grandma especially has tons all around her house. Ever since Bryce was little one of his favorite things to do there was go look for lizards. He didn't use to want to hold or touch them, but recently that has all changed. Now he isn't scared of them at all, which worries me just a little bit. He and Chloe will go and try to catch some every time we visit my Grandmas. They are usually successful. Then they bring them home and let them go at our house. Bryce usually has fun catching them a few more times after that-haha. Poor things-many have lost tails in the process.
#snipssnailsandpuppydogtails #littleboys

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