Wednesday, September 28, 2016

7th Grade School Pictures

We got Chloe's school pictures back. I think they are cute...she thinks her smile is weird. HAHA I think that is a normal reaction, I don't know many people who ever say they like their school pictures. Chloe has been at a charter school since she was in Kindergarten, so this is her first school picture not in a uniform. She is still at a charter school, but now on Wednesdays they let the 6-8th graders chose to wear uniform or dress up (church or funeral dress), and so they let them also have that option for school pictures. It's kind of a fun new thing they started this year. They can also wear a school or college t-shirt on Fridays instead of their normal uniform shirt. I can't believe how long her hair is. I think this is the longest it has been, and the color has changed since she had this picture taken as well ;)

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