Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sweet Treats/Sweeter Deal

So today I didn't really feel like going and doing my Grocery Shopping even though the ads came out yesterday and yes there were Albertsons Doublers. However I was so glad I did.
I got these 4 boxes of Nestle Drumsticks for $4.19 OOP. Even better I got a $4 off coupon on anything on my next visit, so yeah factor that in and they were pretty much FREE. Can't get any better than that. I won't try to explain all the technicalities of how I accomplished this, but I will give one little bit of advice-Check the bottoms of your Albertsons receipts sometimes a survey coupon is there and if you call in and take the survey(less than 1 minute of your time) they will give you $2 off your next visit.


Kaysie said...

you need to give me lessons...haha!

mandy85 said...

I wish I could get in on the Ice Cream deals but it would melt by the time I got it home.