Monday, July 20, 2009

An Award with a little History

When we got to Flowell this weekend Landon's dad Dave presented me with this award. It is the cone that the string we used to string the beans with. It says "Best Bean Stringer in the State of Utah" Tia Ellison. Redeem for .75 cents a Thank You would be better.
Now to understand the whole story you need a little history. Dave's family owned a bean farm when he was younger. People would come in by the busload in the summer to string beans. For each one of these rolls you used up you could turn in the cone for .75 cents. Yep that's right .75 cents. It took me an hour or two just to do one roll can you imagine working that hard and that long for that little of money? How things have changed!


Anonymous said...

Great job Tia,we have one row left.
When can you sting it?

Brenda said...

What! I'm so offended - I strung those beans for years and never got a dime, let alone a trophy!