Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The day after we got back from camping Chloe was scheduled for Surgery at 7 am. She was to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. She has been sick a lot in the past few years with Strep Throat and possibly PFAPA (a fever disorder with many strep throat symptoms). One of the main procedures to cure or stop both is having your tonsils out, so after Chloe's last bout of strep and her missing another week of school (her third this year) we decided to go ahead and schedule the surgery. The surgery went well. When it was over she couldn't stay awake for most of the first day. Bryce did a good job taking care of his sister. We had to pretty much keep her on pain pills around the clock for about a week. During that time she slept a lot and complained of starving. We tried to feed her but the foods she could tolerate just weren't feeling her up. I think she did enjoy the smoothies and ice cream and mashed potatoes from KFC though.
One day her BFF Brydee came over to keep her company and we went and got Italian ice for a treat.
 Finally on her first day of girls camp-she turned the bend and started feeling like her old self.
Now we will cross our fingers that this solves her medical problems and she can be healthy.

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