Thursday, February 4, 2016

"Threenager" in the House

It's official we have a "threenager" in the house. What is a "threenager" you might ask yourself? One definition I found to describe it was "three year old child sporting attitude like a teenager". It's like a switch flipped over night and our normally happy go lucky easy going child had turned into a tantrum throwing stubborn monster. I know it has something to do with testing his independence and limits, but I'll tell you some days it definitely tests my patience. Although other days I just have to laugh to myself at the hilarity of some of the things is he tantruming about.
Here are 10 examples of Random Reason he might have a meltdown.
1. Someone looked at him the wrong way.
2. Chloe stood a little too close to him and her hair might have touched him.
3. His seatbelt was hurting him
4. His underwear were hurting him
5. He didn't want to wear that shirt
6. He wanted to turn something on, or pour something, or do something all by himself without help.
7. His Ipad wasn't doing exactly what he thought it should be doing.
8. He didn't like that song on the radio.
9. He wanted to put something on the conveyor belt at the grocery store.
10. Oh yes and a personal favorite of mine he wanted to use all six of his toothbrushes to brush his teeth.

Oh Bryce. I hope we can all make it through these next few months. Hopefully as you learn independence and we learn patience we can find a happy place for all of us. The timeout chair has had to be introduced as some tantrums are irrational and quickly escalate to an out of control phase. We are trying to talk through things before they get that far, but it doesn't always work. 

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