Monday, February 8, 2016

Three Feet of Fruity Tantrums

Normally Bryce will sleep through the night. However some nights he wakes up and sometimes when he wakes up he wants a snack and some water. Though it is advised against to let you kid have a snack at night I usually tend to for a couple of reasons. First off, I myself often wake up hungry and have to have a "midnight snack", second off Bryce is so little that if he is hungry I don't want to make him wait, plus it can't hurt him to gain a few pounds. Usually the snack is a cracker and some water.
This morning he woke up at 4:30 and of course he wanted a snack. I told him to go find something and lo and behold what does he find but a fruit by the foot. You know three feet of fruity fun. Oh great-not my idea of an acceptable early morning snack-but being as it is my birthday today and I really just wanted to go back to sleep for a least another hour I consented and was like whatever. Of course then he wants to finish the night off in my bed-of course come on. So I get him settled take the wrapper off his fruit by the foot and start to unroll it-and that is when the "threenager" comes out. He wants to unroll it, so I roll it back up, of course it's not rolled  back up quite right. Then he unrolls it, but can't get the paper off, so he's crying about that so I help with that. Then he's crying cause it's too long and keeps turning the wrong way and not staying how he wants it too. Then he's crying cause it's getting stuck to the top of his mouth. Finally-he finishes the dang thing. I give him a sip of water and tell him lights out in 3,2,1. Although I do the countdown I turn them off on 3 instead of 1-haha. Now if I can just fall asleep quickly I can get at least an hour of sleep in before my alarm goes off and it's time to get ready to go to work and face my day of 29 all day Kindergartners. Well as you can tell I'm writing this blog post at 5:40 in the morning, so sleep never came for me-meanwhile Bryce is next to me sleeping soundly while I decided I might as well get up and at least do a blog post since sleep would not be happening again until tonight. Happy Birthday to me!!!

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