Monday, February 8, 2016

Chicken Nugget Meltdown

So the other day Bryce and I had been for a visit with my sisters. Before I knew it time was up and we needed to leave to pick up Tanner from school, he had an early out that day. It was freezing outside and snowflakes had even been falling, so I quickly zipped Bryce in his jacket and headed to the car. Once we got to the car I knew I should take him out of his jacket, but I though just this once he'll be fine, plus I'm in a hurry. You see the child absolutely can not stand being buckled in his car seat with his jacket or coat on it rubs on his chin and just upsets him like none other. Well needless to say I should have taken the time-because he screamed and cried the whole way to Tanner's school. By that point nothing we could do could calm him down even when we removed the jacket. I decided to take Tanner to grab some lunch. He chose KFC-Bryce was still crying so I thought I'll just order him some fries for when he calms down. Well he heard this and suddenly decided he didn't want fries but wanted chicken nuggets. Of course he does?! It was too late to add to the order at that point, as we were just exiting the drive up. I was about at my wits end with the crying and screaming. I pulled into the parking lot and said to him Bryce if you stop crying right now I will go through Wendy's, which is practically next door to KFC, and get you some chicken nuggets instead of these fries. Well he stopped crying and I headed to Wendy's. Everything went great from there we ordered got the chicken nuggets, and I handed them back to him, at which point he starts crying and getting upset again. What Bryce? What is it? He was like I didn't want fries-I know Bryce we didn't get you fries we got you chicken nuggets. No see he says as he holds up a fry. What in the heck? Tanner check and see if he has fries or chicken nuggets. Yep chicken nuggets they just happened to have one fry in there. HAHA! Of all the days WENDYS for a fry to get mixed in with the nuggets. Don't you know I'm dealing with a volatile "threenager" here. Quick thinking older teenage son quickly ate the offending fry to ward off anymore tears and we enjoyed the rest of our meal in peace.

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