Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thoughts on Life

As I sit here awake at 4:30 in the morning miserable and unable to sleep I am thinking of what a challenge the last 8 months have been. A lot of it has been related to my pregnancy I have been sick, sick, sick, miserable, and uncomfortable. To add to the pregnancy issues there has been a lot of other stress and turmoil in my life during this time. My Grandpa passed away, I met my biological Dad and half-siblings for the first time, my parents got a divorce after 30 years, my dad got remarried, and there has been countless other events of stress and trauma between extended family on both sides. To add to it the kids and I have caught a lot of stuff going around we have all had bad colds, Tanner got a Sinus infection, we all had the stomach flu, and I had strep throat. Man it seems like we have been living a nightmare, but as I sit here and reflect I realize that even though all this has gone on-I'm happy. Sure it's been hard at times, but as Landon reminds me at least we have each other, and the kids and that's what matters, and very soon now we will have our little baby Bryce as well and then all the hard times and suffering of the pregnancy will soon be forgotten. I am just so grateful I have my family, and the gospel in my life I know that without them these last few months would have been unbearable but with them we have all survived and somehow been made better for our struggles.

1 comment:

Abby and Brenda said...

I don't know how I missed this post before, but I just barely saw it. You have been through a lot! Now that baby Bryce is here, I hope you can have time to enjoy him without being sick and stressed out!