Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baby Update and Getting Ready

 Yesterday I had a doctor appointment-the word was that I was 50% thinned and dilated to 2.5. Wow this baby could be here sooner than I thought. The doctor still couldn't give an accurate estimate on when he thought Bryce would come. He said it could be any day or sometime in the next couple of weeks, but I definitely probably won't make it to my due date which is Feb. 15. I think we are pretty much prepared physically but now it's time to mentally prepare. I was having anxiety all day yesterday just thinking about how close it was.

Chloe has been so excited helping get things ready for her baby brother. In fact for family night last week she was in charge of the activity and she chose to get the crib and bassinet set up. (To bad the blanket to go in the crib is the one thing I am still working on-it's one of those patch work rag type quilts and is proving to be a little time consuming). 

We bought a dresser several months ago and it is pretty much full-Chloe and I have spent lots of time organizing the drawers.
Of course we have stocked up on diapers and wipes as well. 
The one thing I really wanted was a swing/bouncer. Landon kept holding me back from buying one and I couldn't figure out why. Come to find out he was in cahoots with some very nice ladies who I have worked with for years on the PTO. They had bought it for me and presented it to me as a surprise at one of the meetings. Chloe, with a little assistance from Landon, put it together.
 Yesterday my mom and two of my sisters gave me a stroller and my other sister gave me a really nice labor/delivery kit, so I think we might be set.
 Now all we have to do is wait-for how long who knows-maybe another day or two and maybe another week or two, but I guess he will come when the time is right.


Abby and Brenda said...

So exciting! Can't wait to hold little Bryce!

Taryn said...

Yay! So excited for you guys!