Friday, January 25, 2013

Bryce is Here!!!

Bright and early Friday morning little Bryce made his arrival. 
He was born at 3:40 am January 25, 2013
He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 19.5 inches long.
His full name is Bryce Eldon Ellison

I had been having contractions pretty bad on and off all week. In fact anytime I would be up at all I would have contractions. My goal was to make it through the week so I could accomplish a few things and start training the lady that was going to replace me. Well I made it until Thursday night, when after having consistent contractions all day decided I had better go in and get checked. Well they checked me and I was still only a 2.5 but I was having contractions every 2 to 3 minutes and they were getting harder and more painful, so they kept me another hour to monitor and then checked me again and I was a 3 so they kept me. Contractions continued to get worse and they quickly got me an epidural. Things went slowly for awhile. The doctor came in a little after 10:00 and broke my water at that point I was a 4. The last hour I moved really fast though and between 2 and 3 I dialated my last 4 centimeters in an hour. The doctor came in just after 3:00 and by 3:40 little Bryce was here. They were a little worried about his lungs at first but after having the specialist listen to them or half an hour they determined he was good to go. They never had to give him oxygen or anything for which we were very grateful. He is such a blessing to us already.
 Once he was born and cleaned up a little my mom brought the kids over to get their first glimpse of their baby brother. Then they went home to wait until the next morning when they could come back and hold him. She said Chloe went back to sleep fully dressed and was up ready to go by 7 once she finally fell asleep. 


Abby and Brenda said...

He's such a little cutie! Can't wait to see him in person. I bet Chloe is in heaven! Hope everything is going okay with him home!

Taryn said...

Congratulations! So glad he is here. Can't wait to meet him.

mikeandkathyniles said...

Congratulations!! I am glad everything went well.