Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Reading Program at your Local Library

Most Local Libraries are starting their summer reading program this week. All you have to do is sign up, it's free. They will probably have a sheet for you to fill out and everytime you read a certain number of books you get a prize. These are open to kids from 0-12. You can read to them if they can't read to themselves.
The St. George one is an Awesome Program. Everytime they read ten books they get a coupon for like a free ice-cream, or pass to the pool, something like that. It keeps the kids excited and motivated to read.
I would definately check out your local library-Also look for the Governors Challenge packets. They will probably have those at your library as well. If you read to your child or they read 20 minutes 5 days a week all summer then you send in the coupon and they get a packet back from the Governor with a coupon for a free happy meal and other great stuff. We have done this the last two years and I promise you get your stuff. It's a great program as well!

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