Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's Back!

Well we pulled out the old water slide that we picked up last year for $10 at a yard sale. It still is holding up quite well. We set it up at my sister Tiffanies house today and the kids had a blast on it. This year they are all getting braver with the stunts they are pulling while going down it. Tanner and Tyler have learned to do a front flip from the top, and Chloe can hold her own going down on her knees or tummy. It's pretty wild some of the time. Taelor doesn't want anything to do with it, we'll give her a year or two and then she'll be just as wild as the rest of them.

On a more serious note-Landon goes in for his hand surgery tomorrow at 11:45. Prayers would be most appreciated.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

looks fun and I hope one of these days we will be able to come down to play on it. The kids all looks so cute. Good luck Landon.