Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blue and Gold Banquet

Last night was our Blue and Gold Banquet for Scouts. They had a baseball game at 5:00 so when it was over Landon and all of our 3 scouts who are all on his team (Tanner included) rushed to the Banquet which was at 6:00. Sorry to say they lost their game 4 to 7.
We dinned on hot dogs, chips, and cake from Costco. We had a nice turn out and Tanner recieved another silver arrow.
After we got home Tanner threw up. I think it was a combination of being out in the hot sun, then wolfing down hot dogs, and running around like crazy with the other boys. He felt 100% better by morning.


mandy85 said...

It sounds like a lot of fun and good job Tanner.

Brenda said...

Costco cake is the best! Good job on the silver arrow, Tanner! Don't worry about losing the game, if you Dad would just play a certain kid in the second place or short stop position, maybe you'd have a chance ;)!