Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bleached Hair

Over Christmas Break Tanner decided he wanted to bleach his hair. Landon and I try to let our kids have freedom to express themselves in two ways-their hair and their clothing. So far neither of them has pressed the limits too far, and we hope that they don't. We just figure that by giving them little freedoms in things like this hopefully they won't push for bigger freedoms in other things and get into drugs and alcohol like we both did in high school. We don't always like what they do with their hair or a certain style of clothes they might wear, but usually over time it grows on us. Plus we love them no matter what-love the kid learn to love the hair or love the clothes.
I took Tanner in to get his hair bleached and we actually ended up being there for about 2 hours, it was crazy! They had to do several different things to it bleach it, bleach it more, add color back into it, add more color back into it, because when they started they didn't realize it had some natural red in it and that kind of threw off everything causing it to turn orange and stuff like that. Hopefully this is out of his system and he won't want to bleach it again for a good long time now ;)

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