Friday, May 15, 2015

Terrible 2's-The I Hates

Bryce is at a stage right now where if he doesn't want to do something right at the moment or if he is tired or ornery he hates everything. Now this can be something he loved just a minute before or something he usually likes-but if it's not his idea or doesn't sound like fun to him at the moment. He says "I don't like______ "or "I hate t_________". I know most kids go through this stage as they become more independent, but there are some days I feel like he hates everything! Then he can flip a switch and be a happy pleasant little boy. Things he has said he hates in the past few weeks nursery, Jesus, Tanner, Chloe, Daddy, marshmallows, peeing, you name it he has probably said it. Nothing should surprise me anymore. At least he hasn't said he hates Mommy yet, but I'm sure that will come. I know when I was a little girl about Bryce's age I used to say to my Mom all the time "mean, mean, mommy"

It's not all bad even though it feels like Bryce doesn't like a lot of things and though he definitely has a bit of a stubborn streak-for the most part he really is a good boy. He is happy and easily entertained. He is also extremely smart-my Mom always said the really smart ones are sometimes harder to raise :). This being said I really hope this stage passes, but I am afraid this is only the beginning.

A few things about Bryce at this stage
*He Loves DINOSAURS-he loves to play with them, watch them, read about them, wear them on his clothes. He also can name almost all of them.

*He can count to 10, sometimes 11. He usually doesn't miss any numbers but sometimes he skips or misses 1 or 2.
*He knows all of his colors and is starting to be able to name a few shapes.
*He can sing the Alphabet Song-sometimes he get every letter but at times he will miss a couple.
*He loves the water-I can't keep him out of it.
*He loves to ride the carousel by the library.
*He loves graham crackers and milk (he eats them like three times a day)
*He loves ice cream
*He is stubborn and wants to try to do things on his own
*He is a good napper
*He is potty trained.

Bryce singing the ABC Song-there is a lot of background noise-but I can't figure out why.

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