Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Potty Training

I finally decided to give potty training a try. Bryce had met most of the signs that a child might be ready to be potty trained. However, I went into it apprehensively thinking I would try it for a few days and see how it was going. If it wasn't going well I would stop and try again in a month or two. I seriously thought I would be trying again at a later time-for a couple of reasons-first off in the past pooping in the potty has freaked Bryce out and second off for a boy he is considered pretty young to be potty trained. So you can see why I didn't want to get my hopes up. Surprisingly it went much better than expected-and our little boy is pretty much potty trained! He hasn't had an accident in over a week. At first we just took him in every 45 minutes and rewarded him a lot for anything he did. After a couple days he had the peeing down fine-he would keep whatever we put on him dry pull ups or undies. He also will stay dry through nap time and even all the way through the night-which is huge! However, he wasn't so down with the poop part-it took a few days but finally he did it! We told him that if he went poop in the potty we would take him to Jumping Jacks. Imagine our surprise when we pulled up and it was no longer there-closed completely. Time for Plan B-house of Jump would have to do. So off we went-he loved it and honestly I don't think he knew the difference ;). Since then he has done well with both-no accidents either way. He doesn't quite tell us that he needs to go all the time, but we can tell if he starts dancing that he does and if we ask him he will go in and go. He is still getting rewards for going though the frequency has tampered off as well as the value. He has earned a lot of dinosaurs (his current obsession) the last few weeks.
 Chloe and Bryce at HOUSE OF JUMP
Another Reward was a Trip to the Carousel
 Grandma Tawny sent him these cute undies for being a big boy-they are a little big, but he loves them. He is being a ham while eating his fish candy treat, which was another of his "potty treats".

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