Monday, April 27, 2015


As I wrote on an earlier post-Bryce was really sick with a stomach bug that has been going around really bad down here. I was hoping the rest of us wouldn't have to get it, but it just wasn't in the cards. I ended up getting sick and was sick for an entire day-I really didn't feel well enough to do much of anything, but I wasn't nearly as sick as Bryce had been-luckily mine only lasted a day and then I was feeling much better.
Unfortunately Chloe caught it too. She started feeling sick Sunday. She went to school Monday thinking she was okay but ended up coming home before the day was over and then was out until Thursday. If you know Chloe you know she hates being sick more than anything. It is hard on her to just lay around and not do anything. I would have to say that with this bug she was sicker than I have ever seen her. She laid around crying most of the day Tuesday cause she was so sick and in so much pain. She was even more upset that Tuesday night she had team pictures and a softball game. I took her over for the pictures, but before they were even over she was laying on the ground because she was so sick. I then took her home and put her back to bed. Poor Girl!

Luckily neither Landon or Tanner got the bug. 

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