Sunday, October 30, 2016

Primary Program Debut

Last Sunday Bryce had his Primary Program Debut. The primary program is a day at church during sacrament meeting where the primary age kids (3-11) each say a part, and the whole group sings lots of songs, for the congregation. I was unsure if he would not only go up there, but also if he would talk in the microphone once it was his turn. To my surprise he did both, willingly and also seemed excited about it. Landon and the older kids were out of town deer hunting so they didn't get to see it. Grandma Marshall came to watch. It was such a great moment. When it was Bryce's turn he was so short that we couldn't even see his head, but we heard what he said really well. "My name is Bryce and I love Noah". It was so cute and I was so proud of him.

We are asked to not video or take photographs during sacrament meeting, so I took this cute video of him just before going into church saying his part for me.
To celebrate afterward I let him choose a treat for us to make together. He chose sugar cookies. After making them he wanted to deliver them to people, so we made plates of them and took them around to a few family and friends. It was a fun day for me and the little guy.

#BryceEE #primaryprogram #proudmommy

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