Sunday, November 1, 2015

Visit to the Dentist

 Chloe, Bryce, and I had a dentist appointment. Bryce was a champ. He has been in before, but just sat in the chair and look at his teeth and brush them with a normal toothbrush. This time he had a full dental exam and cleaning. It helped to have sister with him and some awesome mickey mouse shades. Seriously though while the one assistant was cleaning my teeth the other one took care of Chloe and Bryce's-it was great. Bryce got a clean bill of health, but Chloe and I each had one little cavity. We went in the next week and got them taken care of in about 5 minutes. The dentist also recommend Chloe to see an orthodontist since she has had just a little bit of shifting in the last six months.

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