Sunday, November 8, 2015


Halloween finally arrived-time to trick or treat. Of course Tanner was too old and too cool to go with us. He attended a Halloween party later that night though.
 Cutest little Yoda...
 Rockin the Mullet...
 Angry Emoji (Furious)
 Of course as tradition would have it we went trick-or-treating to my Grandmas house and neighborhood. She always makes a special treat for the kids-this year it was orange candied popcorn.
 Preslie came too...
 We went trick or treating to some houses in my Grandma's neighborhood. One door had a dancing skeleton at it. After that house Bryce was done-he wanted to go back to Grandmas house-poor kid. So he and I did just that-he promptly fell asleep on the couch. While Landon and Chloe went out to hit a local haunted house. After that we loaded back up and drove Chloe by a few houses to trick or treat at on our way home.
At home it was time to check out their loot. Chloe showed Bryce how to sort his candy. He sorted his by color.
 She should have enough to last her for awhile.
 Fun Halloween! I can't believe it is already over!!!

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