Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Well it finally caught up to us...there has been a lot of sickness going around down here and unfortunately we all got it. A few Sundays ago Chloe and Bryce started feeling sick. They were coughing and running fevers which lasted a good 4-5 days. Chloe missed almost a whole week of school-poor girl. They both started feeling better but continue to have a lingering cough. Then on Friday night Tanner came down with the same thing, he was doing better by Monday and able to go to school, but he to has the lingering cough. I have a little bit of a cold  which I have been fighting but nothing to serious. So far Landon has stayed healthy and hopefully it stays that way. 
Sad thing is last night Bryce started running a low grade fever ...this time we think it is the last of his one year molars causing him the grief, cause his gum is swollen and he isn't really wanting to eat. Which is what he usually does when he is teething. Poor Kid can't catch a break. I am so ready for him to get healthy so he can be happy again.

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