Tuesday, February 4, 2014

1 Year Check-Up

I took Bryce into the doctor last week for his 1 Year Check-Up, the nurse
could hardly believe he was already 1-I can hardly believe it myself. Since this was right in the middle of when he was sick they couldn't give him his shots so I guess I will have to take him back in a few weeks to get those.
Funny thing when the doctor started looking at his charts he was like well his weight looks good-about 100% , I was like what? that doesn't seem right? I looked at the chart closer and it was for a 2 year old boy that weighed about 33 lbs. HAHA. Seriously though-Bryce weighed in at 18 lbs 12 oz and which is in the 4th% of kids his age. His length was 30" which is the 57% of kids his age. He is pretty good though for his weight compared to his height at about 81%. He is kind of little-especially compared to my sisters kids-haha, but he is healthy and happy and the doctor said he looked good, despite having a little cold, which he didn't think looked serious at all. 
Now if we can just get him over his cold and get all of his teeth in he will be great

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