Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas

We haven't left town for Christmas for several years-because packing up all of the gifts can be a chore-but the kids really wanted to go to Grandma Wendy's this year, so we decided to give it a try.
Before we left the kids opened up their Christmas Jammies and Ornament (our tradition-they get a special ornament every year to add to their collections).
We finally made it to Grandma's house...
Christmas Morning came early but not to early the kids all jumped out of bed at 5 and were ready to go.
Here they are waiting to go see what Santa brought them.
Chloe was so happy that Santa was able to find her the Beethoven dog she had requested.

Ripping into her next present...
Santa forgot to put together Bryce's Jeep so Daddy had to...
Tanner got the Disney Infinity Game, lots of clothes, a ripstick, and an i-tunes gift card.
Christmas Smiles...
A few more picts Daddy took with his phone...

It was a great day!!! The kids enjoyed the next few days playing with all of their new stuff and their cousins to their hearts content. 
The day after Christmas we loaded up all of the cousins and went to see the movie FROZEN-it was a great show and the kids had a blast!

Every year Landon's Grandma gives the kids Church Clothes for Christmas here they are in their new duds...
WE had such a Great Christmas!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

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