Monday, December 2, 2013

44 Weeks Old

Our Little Bryce doesn't seem quite so little anymore. He is definately growing up and quickly becoming a toddler. I have been a little bit frustrated lately for a couple of reasons. I had really been working on baby signing with Bryce and he had started doing a few of them, now all of a sudden he won't do them at all. Also I have kind of been doing Baby Lead Weaning with Bryce because he didn't ever really do well with baby food.  A quick run down of what Baby Lead Weaning is-you pretty much don't give your baby traditional pureed baby food at all. At 6 months you just start giving them whatever you are eating cut into strips or pieces. Of course you don't give them stuff like sugar or chocolate, but any veggies, fruits, meats, breads, etc and even like eggs and yogurt. Some days he does okay, but some days he refuses to try something or to pick something up and eat it himself. The few consistent things he will eat are bananas and gogurt. Though sometimes he will only eat the gogurt if I feed it to him, which is defeating the purpose. Oh yeah and he really loves Ritz Crackers. I also made him some banana pancakes which were pretty successful. Another this is that he has no interest in walking both of our other kids were walking by now so that is a little strange, but I'm not pushing that one. He will stand up by things and cruise around furniture but try to get him to take a step and he just sits down. I still love my little man to pieces and I know that I will see the desired results soon enough it just takes time and patience :) After all Rome wasn't built in a day!

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