Saturday, December 7, 2013


Wednesday morning we woke up to snow-a lot of it, not just the normal skiff St. George gets and then it is gone type snow, but several inches of the powdery white stuff. Now it may not seem that exciting to many of you, but in St. George snow is an exciting thing, because it only happens once in a blue moon. The kids were both ecstatic!!!
I let Chloe go to school an hour late, and she went down to the park with her friend Brydee and her family and played for awhile, before heading off to school. She was so happy. 

I can't believe how cold it has been, and the odd thing is that in lots of places the snow and ice have stayed because of the temperature. Chloe said her class and her teacher have been ice skating at recess-LOL Now that is really really strange, because snow never stays here it usually melts within hours. The City of St. George doesn't even own a snow plow. The weather is still freezing and they are calling for more snow to hit today-so I guess we will wait and see, but I think I am ready for it to warm back up just a little bit :)

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