Sunday, December 22, 2013

47 Weeks Old

Every week I do one of these posts, it is one week closer my little boy gets to being a year old. Though he is a joy most of the time, the one thing he is not good at is sleeping through the night. He still wakes up like three times during the night and wants to eat. I think a lot of this is my fault because I am not good at being awake late or during the night so I usually just bring him to bed with me, feed him, and then am too lazy to put him back in his own bed, so there he stays with us. My goal is that after Christmas I am really going to work on getting him sleeping in his own bed for longer and not getting up so much during the night, which means I will have to give him water or a binki when he wakes up and he is not going to be happy about that-wish me luck!
Bryce kind of has his own little language-we call it caveman speak. He makes all these different little grunts and gestures with his hands. We can tell he is talking to us or trying to tell us something, but what we don't know. One of the things he does almost sounds like he is saying "that" and he always waves his hand at something when he does it, so we always say "What's That?" when he does it and try to tell him what it is if we can tell what it is he is pointing at. One of his favorite things to see is Landon's stuffed deer Charlie. He loves it and always points at it-I wish I would have gotten him a stuffed reindeer for Christmas.

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