Sunday, December 22, 2013

Neighbor Gifts Given and Received

The past few weeks I have been busy trying to finish up all of my Christmas Projects and Gifts. The top of my list was the yearly video I make for my Grandma every year. I finally finished it up yesterday!!! In between working on the I have made 4 levi quilts for Christmas and put together a few white elephant gifts.
I also made some things to give out to neighbors and Chloe's friends. Oh yes and least I should forget a friend and I also put together 70 gifts for all the teachers/staff at Chloe's school. It has been a busy couple of weeks! I kind of feel like I work at Santa's Workshop-LOL
These are the teacher gifts...
 It is a Snowman Tag attached to a frozen yogurt gift card it says "have a cool yule"!
Some of the neighbor gifts...
 "Have a Magnificent and Marvelous Christmas."
More Neighbor Gifts...
 "The season is here so we rush all about. If your feeling a bit NUTS then enjoy these while you take a timeout"
More Neighbor Gifts...
 "Have YourELF a Merry Little Christmas!"
More Neighbor Gifts...
 "Enjoy the Scents of Christmas"

For Chloe's friends we got packages of Jolly Ranchers and made a tag that said "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" we also added a chap-stick. It was cute and easy. 
Chloe also did the 12 days of Christmas for her teacher. She helped me come up with each day and made a little tag for her day with a saying that we tied onto the item for that day. She took in different classroom supplies her teacher needed as well as some of her favorite treats. I think it was a fun idea, and Chloe had a great time sneaking the thing onto her teachers desk everyday. On the last day she handed her teacher the gift, which was too hard to hide-it was a 12 pack of diet coke, and said the poem that went with it to her. 

We have had so much stuff dropped off at our door. Most of it is yummy things to eat-so I feel like all I do is eat sugar all day long-haha~~~ One person got creative though and brought by some goldfish along with a tag that said Have a Merry FISHmas and a GUPPY new year. WOW!!! REALLY?!
At least Chloe was excited about that one.

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