Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fair, Baseball, and Grandmas House

The Washington County Fair was going on last week. When Chloe found out that there was a cutest baby contest she insisted that we enter Bryce. Well he didn't win any ribbons-there was some pretty stiff competition in his age group-LOL, but he is still the cutest in our book plus he got an awesome t-shirt out of the deal. 
 After the cutest baby contest we all loaded up and headed to Cedar City for some baseball. Tanner's team chose to play up this week to get ready for the Labor Day tournament. They combined the age divisions they ended up not only playing with 13 year olds, but 14 and 15 year olds as well. It was pretty crazy to see the size difference with some of the kids. We knew it was a practice going into it so we were prepare to lose-but the boys actually won one of their games and competed well in the rest. Tanner had some great hits-and we were proud of him for being able to hit off of those older boys like he did. 
 It was so nice to have my Mom's house to go to in between games and to be able to stay there over night so we didn't have to travel back and forth. The kids and Landon had a blast playing guitar hero-Landon is the reigning champion-I guess he should have been a rock star.
 On the way home Saturday night we stopped at the fair for a little entertainment. Landon and Chloe went on the Star-ship Ride and Chloe rode a little roller coaster. The kids both played a couple of games while we watched in amazement as people spend hundreds of dollars trying to win a $5 stuffed animal-it was pretty entertaining. As we were walking out Tanner surprised me and bought me a caramel apple-what a sweet boy he knows how much I love them. (he of course bought one for himself to)

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