Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Beat the Heat Swim Meet

On Saturday August 3 Chloe had her last swim meet of the season. I was in Cedar City with Tanner at his baseball tournaments so I missed out on it, but she had Daddy with her. It was the Beat the Heat Meet and it was held in Mesquite, Nevada. I was able to follow her via texts from Landon and also on a really cool app called Meet Mobile. Landon also got lots of great pictures and even better videos. Blogger is having some issues today so I'm not able to get them to load, but you can see one that I posted on facebook if you want too. Chloe was showing me the videos when I got home, and she pointed out the fact that Dad made her wave when they called her name before each race-ha ha!
Getting ready on the block.
 With her relay team.
 In the bullpen.
 Hi Dad!
Chloe swam her five events. She swam two relays, breaststroke, backstroke, and freestyle. She did so good. I think she got personal best times in every event and swam the best freestyle ever. Her relay teams totally rocked it-the took first both times. Although one of her medals says 3rd for some reason they have a hard time with the relay teams. They always seem to get them mixed up-probably because there is usually more than one Dixie team and sometimes they make last minute changes.
Here are the results...
Free Style Relay-1st place time-2:23.32
Backstroke 4th overall time-51.66
Breaststroke 10th overall time-57.42
Medley Relay-1st place time-3:18.47 (she swam the butterfly in this one)
Free Style-5th overall time-42.59 the times for 2nd-5th place in this race were all so close.
She had an awesome year-looking forward to next year already. She was definitely born to swim.

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