Friday, August 23, 2013

Birthday Boy-Teenager-13 Years Old

I can't believe it-we now officially have a teenager living at our house-gasp. How did that happen so fast? It seems like just yesterday he was a little Bryce and now look at him. He got just what he wanted for his birthday-clothes-yep he's a teenager alright. I bought Bryce a matching shirt...twiners :)
 That day I got him from school at lunch time and took him out to Chick-Fil-A to eat.
Then that night we went to Outback Steakhouse. Grandma Tawny, Great Grandma Marshall, Great Grandma Angie, and cousins Taelor and Braxton came with us. It was fun and yummy.
 Tanner let the little ones eat his birthday sundae cause he was saving up for the cheesecake waiting for him at home that Great Grandma Marshall had made for him.

 Bryce fought and fought but finally gave out.
We love Tanner to bits. He is a great kid most of the time-when he is not tormenting his little sister. He usually is very obedient and is a smart and talented boy. We hope he will use his talents and abilities to the best of his ability as he gets older. For now we really don't worry about him getting in trouble or making a bad choice and we hope that doesn't change.

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