Thursday, August 15, 2013

8th Grade

 Yesterday Tanner started 8th Grade. He is now officially in Middle School. He chose to go to Dixie Middle School this year instead of staying at George Washington Academy.  I think one of the big factors in this decision was the fact that he can wear whatever he wants as well as the fact that most of his friends also chose the same path. I am good with the decision as well, I think he was ready for the change, and it will be a good growing experience for him. It will definitely be an adjustment but I think he will like it.
Tanner wanted a picture with Bryce before he left. He always jokes that he is going to take him to school with him in his back pack-honestly I think he really would if he could.
Yesterday while both of the kids were at school I was showing Bryce pictures of them on the computer and he would get so excited-he really knew it was them and you could just tell how much he loves them from his reaction. What a lucky little boy he is to have two siblings who love him so very very much.

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