Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Christmas Party

On Saturday it was the Gentry Family Christmas Party. We went up to Ceday for what was supposed to be the day, but ended up being overnight because we got stuck there when the snowstorm hit. The only bad part was that we didn't have p.j.'s and a change of clothes, and since the whole family was there no bed either. It wasn't to bad though we actually slept pretty good on the floor.
We had a white elephant gift exchange. Even the kids did one. They each brought an ornament. You should have seen the look on Tanner's face when he got a Hannah Montanna one. Luckily he was able to trade in the end and I think everyone went away happy.
We also did a secret Santa for a family and we went to deliver it. Landon went up to the door with Tanner, Chloe, and Saydee. It was kind of funny seeing him try to throw the girls back in the truck as they were having a hard time even getting there through the deep snow. When we got back to my Dad and Mom's Tanner couldn't resist making a snow angel despite the fact that he didn't have a snow suit on and it was freezing outside. My Dad told him he couldn't go in the house covered in all that snow, so Landon had to brush him off first.
Later on we played Catch Phrase. The Gentry Girls against the boys or spouses. Sorry boys we killed you 2 out of 3 games.
My mom made the kids each a beenie they all look so cute in them.
Mom also made each kid a ginerbread house. They had lots of fun decorating them. She does this for them every year. Earlier this year she also made Tanner a Gingerbread Train which he entered in a contest at Lin's. They judge them sometime this week. They all look forward to their gingerbread houses, and I think the parents have fun helping too.

Thanks everyone it was fun!

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

I think the party was fun and will you email me the pictures of the kids with their hats, playing the game, and going to take the secret santa stuff I don't have those ones.