Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just Another Day

Today has just been one of those boring days. We went to the park earlier and Tanner had Karate practice, but other than that we have just been home. The fact that a storm has moved in doesn't really help matters much. So we've been stuck at home with nothing much to do except clean. Exciting right well at least for Chloe it is. She is so happy when she gets to help me clean the only promblem is that sometimes she is to helpful. She wants to do everything from sweep and mop to wash bathroom mirrors, and scrub the toilet. She even does dishes. Today I kept her occupied cleaning walls while I cleaned the bathrooms. The walls do look good, but we're down about a half a bottle of windex. Then I was ready to call it a day, but she was persistent that we now clean the kitchen floors. Well what the heck we don't have anything better to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chloe you are such a big help now only if you could teach that to saydee.
Love aunt mandy