Sunday, September 23, 2018

24th of July- Parade, Lake and Fireworks

On the 24th our ward put on a small kids parade and breakfast. We decided to go for a few minutes even though we were planning to go out to the lake with my sister and her family. Bryce didn't want to ride his bike in the parade. He opted to ride his scooter, which didn't really work out well because he couldn't keep up with the other kids, partly because he was being kind of nervous and shy about the whole thing. We ended up ditching his scooter when we passed our house and just walking the rest of the way. After the parade we grabbed some breakfast and the left so we could get to the lake. 

 My sister and her husband have had a boat for awhile, but it hasn't run. They put some money into it and got it going this year and were eager to test it out. We were excited to spend a day on the water, except for Chloe who was in Arizona with Grandma and Saydee she was a little bit sad to be missing out. We also rented a jet ski for the day. We all had fun. The only incident was when Tanner tried to pull me on the tube behind the jet ski and wasn't very nice about it. I ended up hurt and in tears and on top of that lost my brand new Oakley sunglasses that I had just bought in New York-yeah we will try to forget that incident. But other than that we had fun. Tanner enjoyed the jet ski. Bryce liked the tube and was happy riding that or in the boat, but he did not want to get in the lake water and swim at all (he doesn't like that dirty water). It was good to see my sister so happy and smiling as she struggles with some pretty serious depression most of the time. Hopefully we will get to spend many more days on the lake now that they have a working boat. 

After boating we went out to dinner and then we took Bryce and let him choose out a few fireworks at a firework stand. He had fun with Tanner lighting them off in the backyard. 

Afterwards we went in and then I looked out the back window and saw a fire. I had forgotten to put water in the bucket they were putting the sparklers and stuff in and it had caught fire and burned the whole thing down. I had to grab the hose and put it out. Good thing I noticed it when I did. Bryce was very amused by the whole incident. 

I'm glad we were able to spend the day together. It was lots of fun. We definitely missed Chloe though.

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