Tuesday, April 24, 2018

T-Ball (Week 2)

We thought we were doing good getting to Bryce's t-ball game 20 minutes early and walked up the hill to the field and there was his team already playing. What? Apparently there had been a scheduling change that we missed. It was definitely our fault because the coach had given us a schedule, which we didn't know was the updated one, we had already put in the one the league sent out, not realizing that changes were made to it later, so we didn't even really look at the one the coaches gave us cause we already had the other one programmed into our phones-oops.
He played for the last few minutes of the game. Landon and I felt horrible, but Bryce was happy because he got a snow cone.

We all love Brian Regan-a comedian-and he has a joke about baseball games that we think is hilarious and really fit the situation. 
'Even if you play half game you still get a whole snow cone at the end of the game, so I'd rather play half game." #BrianRegan

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