Wednesday, April 18, 2018

T-Ball (week 1)

Bryce had his first t-ball game.

He was so excited at practice the week before to get his new Jersey. He is on the Padres again.
However he was even more excited that they had a treat schedule and he was the first one on the list to buy treats. (last year the treats were his favorite thing about playing-ha) He actually insisted on going right after practice to get them. I wasn't feeling like it, but luckily his older brother came through for him.

Off to the ball game-treats in tow. Isn't his little bat bag so cute?

Bryce did really well in his game. His first at bat he ended up hitting off the t. His second at bat he got a good hit. He ran the bases and ran fast (last year he struggled a bit with this). He didn't really run after the balls in the outfield, but that's okay. I think he's still warming up a little bit-hopefully by the end of the season he will be running after them with the rest of the kids. 
*side note new t-ball rules don't allow any players in the infield, so all the kids play on the edge of the grass. It's kind of weird, but somebody must have gotten hurt. I mean some of these kids can hit pretty hard, and they probably don't have the reflexes at this age to always react to a fast ball.

#BryceEE #t-ball #littleleague #takemeouttotheballgame #Padres

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