Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Bad Week

The week after Easter was a bad week. Sometimes I have a bad day or a bad few hours, but this week it just seemed like nothing was going right. It was also the week I was starting my new exercise challenge, so finding time to do that became even more of a challenge and I started getting just a little bit (okay maybe a lot) frustrated.

To start with Sunday Landon's eye started hurting him. It got worse and worse. It was bad enough that he couldn't drive home from Flowell, and bad enough that I actually called the eye doctor on Sunday and we took him in as soon as we got home. The verdict he had a horrible eye infection. It hurt like crazy and infected his vision. The doctor gave him several prescription eye drops. He didn't go to work on Monday, because it was so bad. The kids and I had Monday off, so that worked out okay, though it did add to my stress load just a little bit. Having the day off Monday is a rarity, and I tended to overbook myself just a little bit, but in the end I managed to get everything on my list done even getting a haircut, and going to the pool and gym to workout. Luckily Landon was able to go back to work on Tuesday.

Next on the list the dryer. It had started acting up the day before we left for Flowell. When we got home and Landon's eye was feeling good enough he was able to take it apart and verify that the element had gone bad-so what did that mean? Well he could fix it but the part would be a week out. So in the meantime. In my "spare time" I would be taking trips to the laundromat to dry clothes.

Thursday I woke up and my tire was flat-I mean really flat! I didn't dare to just air it up and go to work, because I new it needed to be fixed. So I was able to borrow Tanner's car until I got off, since his work schedule was opposite of mine that day, and he didn't have to pick Bryce up on Thursdays. However, that lead to another problem, because my sister forgot to pick Bryce up from school, so I couldn't just send Tanner over to get him, but luckily my other sister was able to grab him. When I got off I was able to get the car in and get the tire fixed and get back on the road of life.

Friday we had a big fight with Tanner. It was bad. It left me crying for two days and really thinking about things. Teenage years are definitely hard sometimes. I just hope that we are doing something right and things will turn out in the end.

To top it all off I fought a cold all week. It made it hard to do the things and needed to do, and probably made me a little bit ornery at times.

I guess you could say it was a horrible week, but really I'm trying to look on the positive side.

I found this quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf that I really like
" No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it."

Yes a lot of challenging things happened this week, but there were good things to. We have good health insurance, we have vehicles (3 of them), we only had to wait a week for the dryer to be fixed-some people never own a dryer, we have each other and even though the kids at different times can offer their own challenges I wouldn't trade them for any other kids, and even with every thing that happened this week I was still able to pull through it all and meet my requirements of my exercise challenge and that made me feel good about myself. Plus we were able to not only let our kids participate in sporting events we were able to watch Bryce play t-ball this week and also go to a softball tournament for Chloe-so it hasn't all been bad. Busy for sure though. Just focus on the positive ;)

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