Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Years Festivities

This year we spent New Years in Flowell with Landon's family. It was a Christmas/New Years celebration. All of his siblings came, so there was lots of people. Which meant chaos, but lots of fun. The kids of course had a blast with their cousins.

We had our annual white elephant gift exchange. Landon took some wrapping paper that we had printed with his sisters picture all over it. I took Guess Who-Ellison family edition, which I had made using photo-shop, and Tanner took a Buddy in the Box (from the movie ELF).
There were some other funny things brought by his siblings. Like a "kickasserole" dish and a shewee. LOL We ended up bringing home an assortment of interesting flavored body spray, a whoopie cushion, bubble gum, cash, trail mix, and candy. The white elephant exchange is one of the highlights you never know what you are going to end up with.

On new years eve we had lots of yummy snacks and played a few games. It was pretty low key except for a few intense minutes while playing the game Speak Out. You see Shawna had made everyone promise not to video her turn, except for Tanner. Tanner took a quick video and snap chatted it to a few friends. When Shawna found out she literally jumped on Tanner and wrestled him to the ground trying to get his phone. It was so funny to watch. Of course it didn't do her any good cause she never got the phone and even better video footage was gotten of her wrestling match.

 Bryce fell asleep pretty early he was exhausted cause he hadn't had a nap all day. Landon and I also went to bed a little before midnight. I think Tanner might have too. The crazy older girls cousins (Chloe and company) all stayed up until the wee hours of the morning.

Happy New Years!!!

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