Friday, December 23, 2016

There are those Moments

A lot of times when listening to my teenage son I wonder if I have raised him right. I worry about what kind of person he is turning into, or about how he treats other people. Sometimes, however, he does or says something that reminds me that he really is a good kind hearted person and that although it might take time he is going to turn out alright. Yesterday was one of those moments. As I was driving home he called me and said "Mom is it okay if I give that suitcase Grandpa just gave me for Christmas to a homeless guy" I was like "okay I guess if that's what you want to do. Where did you see him at?" He told me that he had just been to Harmons and given him some money and that he was going to go back and give him the suitcase as well. We hung up and then remembering something I called him back and said "Hey you might also want to take him one of those homeless bags we put together" his response was "I already did". Wow! Getting this call really made my day, and it just helped my faith that maybe I am doing something right in the lines of parenting, and also to try harder and remember these moments in my times of doubt.

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