Friday, August 14, 2015

Snapshots of Summer-Final Edition

These two girls love spending time together; they are always up to something; look at these lovely pictures I found on my phone one day.
Brydee's grandparents got horses so a few mornings this summer the girls have been able to go on a ride. Chloe loves it!!!
 We were able to go and pick a bunch of peaches at one of my Grandma's fun. It was fun except for the giant beetles that seemed to like the peaches as much as we do-they were a little scary to deal with, but we ended up making it home with a bunch and were able to bottle quite a few one day. Grandma also made some of her famous peach pie several times-YUMMY!!!
 Spent a few hours at the splash pad with some of our friends and cousins.
 What is summer without ice cream cones? To bad he couldn't stay awake to finish this one-he and my couch were both a huge mess.

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