Wednesday, March 25, 2015

One Sick Little Boy

Bryce has been a very sick boy ever since last Monday. Today is the first day in over a week when he has shown a lot of improvement in his attitude, energy level, and the amount of food he is eating. I am so glad he is finally on the mend!!!
Last Monday he woke up with a fever-it was kind of weird cause he had no other symptoms. Then Tuesday I noticed he had sores in the front of his mouth and on his tongue. Come to find out what he had was the Cold Sore Virus (Herpes Simplex Virus). Which apparently when a younger child gets it for the first time can be very bad as we learned with Bryce. He had every symptom/side effect that you can possibly get. He had a high fever(which lasted 5 days), swollen lymph nodes, gum inflammation (which caused them to bleed), along with the sores on his mouth and tongue. Needles to say he was one miserable little boy-he was extremely fussy which is so unlike his normal happy self-but you can understand why. He couldn't eat anything. He saw the doctor twice and both times was close to needing IV for dehydration. The bad thing about his whole thing is that it is a virus so there is nothing they could really do for it besides let it run it's course and have you give stuff for pain. He also lost weight, which he didn't have much to spare in the first place-so now especially when he wears shorts he looks like a walking stick figure. 
 Poor little guy-no one should have to go through that especially not a child that young.

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